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Indulás: 2007-01-06
2024. Január
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System of a down album dalszövegei:


01. Suite-pee

i had an out of body experience,
the other day,
her name was jesus,
and for her everyone cried,
everyone cried,
everyone cried.

try her philosophy,
try her philosophy,
try her philosophy,

you die for her philosophy,
die for her philosophy,
die her philosphy die.

crossed and terrored ravages of architecture,
lend me thy blades,
we're crossed and terrored ravages of architecture,
hoist around the spade.

try her philosophy,
try her philosophy,
try her philosophy,

you die for her philosophy,
die for her philosophy,
die her philosphy die.

die.....die......die......why......lie naked on the
floor and let the messiah go through our souls,
lie naked on the floor and let the messiah go all
through our souls, die,
like a mother xxxxer, die,
like a mother xxxxer, die,
like a mother xxxxer, why,
like a mother xxxxer,
i want to xxxx my way to the garden,
cause everyone needs a mother, xxxxer!

try her philosophy,
try her philosophy,
try her philosophy,

you die for her philosophy,
die for her philosophy,
die her philosphy die.

the following of a christ,
the following of a christ,
the following of a christ,
the following of a christ,
the falling of christ,
the falling of christ,
the falling of christ,
the falling of christ



02. Know


Cursed Earth, Cursed Earth, Cursed Earth, Cursed Earth.

I will never feed off the evergreen luster of your heart
all because we all live in the valley of the walls when
we speak we can peak from the windows of their mouths to
see the land the women chant as they fly up to the sun.

You never think you know why,
Know, You never think you know why,
Know, You never think you know why,
Know, Ever think you know why,

Books all say different things while people flap their
yellow wings trying to soar by being a whore of life
and almost everything the sheep that ran off from the
herd may be dead but now's a bird able to fly able to
die able to break your cursed earth
(xxxx your mother's earth)

You never think you know why,
Know, You never think you know why,
Know, You never think you know why,
Know, Ever think you know why,

On the other side, on the other side, the other side,
Do you ever try to fly, Do you ever try to fly?
Have you ever wanted to die, you ever want to die?

Don't ever try to fly, don't ever try to fly,
Don't ever try to fly, unless you leave your body on
the other side,
Never try to die, you ever try to die.

Know, You never think you know why,
Know, You never think you know why,
Know, You never think you know why,
Know, Ever think you know why,

03. Sugar

The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who can believe you,
Who can believe you,
Let your mother pray, (sugar)

Well I'm not there all the time you know
Some people, some people, some people,
Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar)
I play Russian roulette everyday, a man's sport,
With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
You know that every time I try to go
Where I really want to be,
It's already where I am,
Cause I'm already there….(sugar)

The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who can believe you,
Who can believe you,
Let your mother pray, (sugar)

I got a gun the other day from Sako,
It's cute, small, fits right in my pocket,
Yeah, right in my pocket, (sugar)
My girl, you know, she lashes out at me sometimes,
And I just kick her, and then she's O.K. ,she's O.K.(sugar)
People are always chasing me down,
Trying to push my face to the ground,
Where all they really want to do,
Is suck out my mother fucking brains, my brains (sugar).

The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who can believe you,
Who can believe you,
Let your mother pray~,

I sit, in my desolate room, no lights, no music,
Just anger, I've killed everyone,
I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better,
How do I feel, What do I say,
Fuck you, it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
Fuck you, it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,

In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away

04. Suggestions

From a post up high,
From where you see the ships afar,
From a well trained eye,
The waves all keep on crashing by,
If you are the light post,
Then you own the working class,
But if you want the answers,
You better give a piece of ass,
Give a piece of your ass,

Post hypnotic suggestions,
Running the ships ashore,
The orange light that follows,
Will soon proclaim itself a god,
If you point your questions,
The fog will surely chew you up,
But if you want the answers,
You better get ready for the fire,
Get ready for the fire,

The ships are multiplying day after day sir,
And they're coming close to the shore sir, shore sir,
We need to evacuate the light post,
It's all over, it's all over ~~
It's all over



05. Spiders

The piercing radiant moon,
The storming of poor June,
All the life running through her hair,

Approaching guiding light,
Our shallow years in fright,
Dreams are made winding through my head,

Through my head,
Before you know, Awake,

Your lives are open wide,
The V-chip gives them sight,
All the life running through her hair,

The spiders all in tune,
The evening of the moon,
Dreams are made winding through my head,

Through my head,
Before you know, Awake


Through my head,
Before you know,
Before you know I will be waiting all awake,

Dreams are made winding through her hair,
Dreams are made winding through her hair

06. DDevil

Plagiarized existence exist,
Among the writers of the word,
Shake your spear at Shakespeare,
Shake your spear at Shakespeare,

Loud and noisy,
Strong refrigerators,
Gaining independence,
Gaining independence,

Stupid people do stupid things,
Smart people outsmart each other,
Then themselves, then themselves,
Then themselves, then themselves,

Take me down there,
Photographic relapse,
People feeding frenzy,
The devil is so lovely,


My blue moon rivets in exits,
Forewarned customary spirits,
By myself, by myself,
By myself, by myself,

Take me down there,
Photographic relapse,
People feeding frenzy,
The devil is so lovely,

Take me down there,
Photographic relapse,
People feeding frenzy,
The devil is so lovely



07. Soil

The phoenix he helped create,
Out of control boy without a dad,
Shot the gun that startled my life,
While I drove him with a forty-five.

Friends for years images in red,
Blew off his own mother-fuckin head,
Confidence, death, insecurity,
Men fall unrealized,
Unrealized, unrealized.

Making a decision of death,
While everyone around you pled,
Now you fly in peace,
I hope, my friend,
A man can't avoid what he's meant to do,
When he's meant to do it,
Even if he doesn't really want to,
My memories are of fun and friendship,
Of weakness within the strength of youth,
For reasons undefined, reasons undefined,
Reasons undefined, reasons undefined.

Friends for years images in red,
Blew off his own mother-fuckin head,
Confidence, death, insecurity,
Men fall unrealized,

Don't you realize,
Evil, lives in the mother-fucking skin,
Don't you realize,
Evil, lives in the mother-fucking skin,

Unrealized, unrealized.

Don't you, realize, evil,
Lives in the mother-fucking skin,
Don't you, realize , that evil,
Lives in the mother-fucking.


Don't you, realize, evil,
Lives in the mother-fucking skin,
Don't you, realize , that evil,
Lives in the mother-fucking.

Why the fuck did you take him away from us you mother fucker

08. War?

Dark is the light,
The man you fight,
With all your prayers, incantations,
Running away, a trivial day,
Of judgment and deliverance,
To whom was sold, this bounty soul,
A gentile or a priest ?
Who victored over, the Seljuks,
When the holy land was taken

We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens

Was it the riches, of the land,
Powers of bright darkness,
That lead the noble, to the East,
To fight the heathens

We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens

We must call upon our bright darkness,
Beliefs, they're the bullets of the wicked,
One was written on the sword,
For you must enter a room to destroy destroy, destroy
International security,
Call of the righteous man,
Needs a reason to kill man,
History teaches us so,
The reason he must attain,
Must be approved by his God,
His child, partisan brother of war,

Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,

We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens

09. Mind

oh baby come close to me, let me love you,
oh baby come close to me, let me feel you
Look at each other, Look at each other,
Look at each other, Look at each other.

Go away, Go away, Go away, Go away.......

Mutually, mentally molested children of a Mother,
Mutually, mentally molested children of Sin,
The ever so popular beating that took you under,
The ever so popular beating that broke your skin.

Free thinkers are dangerous,
Blame, Hate, For Fate's Seed.

Go away, Go away, Go away, Go away.......

Need the one you love and love the ones you need,
Need the one you love and love the ones you bleed,
Lives rearranged and lives in my range can you breath
Lives rearranged and lives in my range can you see.

Free thinkers are dangerous,
Blame, Hate, For Fate's, Seed.

Why, Why, Why, Why,
Gonna let you mother xxxxers die,
Gonna let you mother xxxxers die,
Gonna let you mother xxxxers die,

Look at each other, Look at each other

10. Peephole

When your stars are baked,
And your rivers fly,
Do you ever believe you were stuck out in the, Sky,

When your castle breaks,
And your feet are dry,
Do you ever believe you were stuck out in the, Sky,

Do you believe, when you're high,
That your life is tried,

Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't ever get stuck in the sky, when you're high,

When your moon is fake,
And your mermaids cry,
Do you ever believe you were stuck out in the, Sky,

When your tunnel fades,
And your guide is shy,
Do you ever believe you were stuck out in the, Sky,

Do you believe, when you're high,
That your life is tried,

Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't ever get stuck in the sky, when you're high,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't ever get stuck in the sky, when you're high~

Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't ever get stuck in the sky, when you're high

11. CUBErt

Preflight delight,
Defaced street lights,
A pyramid mind xxxx,
Don't leave your seats now,

Popcorn everywhere, canned,
Cliché people organs rare,
Corn everywhere canned,
Cliché people organs rare,

Rare (repeat)

I want to be,
A fallen ruby,
Guest vibrations,
Don't leave your seats now,

Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliché people organs rare,
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliché people cannot dare,

Dare (repeat)

Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliché people organs rare,
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliché people cannot dare,
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliché people organs rare,
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliché people cannot dare, dare, dare, dare



12. Darts

May I please remain in this space,
For darts screach by my desires,
May I please remain in this space,
For darts screach by my desires,

Art thou not human man (x 8)
Not human man art thou

Life threatening lifestyles,
A hitman, a nun, lovers,
Life threatening lifestyles,
A hitman, a nun, lovers,

Art thou not human man (x 8)
Not human man art thou

Clock men for they will fail,
Fear not the gods that come from the sky,
Long not for the one who've lost their way,

Arise as did the gods ninti,
Arise as did the gods ninti,
Arise as did the gods ninti, and ishkur, ishkur

13. P.L.U.C.K


Why, Die Walk Down

A whole race Genocide,
Taken away all of our pride,
A whole race Genocide,
Taken away, Watch Them all fall down.

Revolution, the only solution,
The armed response of an entire nation,
Revolution, the only solution,
We've taken all your xxxx, now it's time for restitution.

Recognition, Restoration, Reparation,
Recognition, Restoration, Reparation,
Watch them all fall down.

Revolution, the only solution,
The armed response of an entire nation,
Revolution, the only solution,
We've taken all your xxxx, now it's time for restitution.

The plan was mastered and called Genocide (Never want to see you around)
Took all the children and then we died, (Never want to see you around)
The few that remained were never found, (Never want to see you around)
All in a system of Down......Down.....Down.......Down........Walk Down...........

Watch them all fall down,
Revolution, the only solution,
The armed response of an entire nation,
Revolution, the only solution,
We've taken all your xxxx, now it's time for restitution.

The plan was mastered and called Genocide (Never want to see you around)
Took all the children and then we died, (Never want to see you around)
The few that remained were never found, (Never want to see you around)
All in a system , Down



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